Why is it a trend to be born out of the wild


                                           Why is it a trend to be born out of the wild

#Why is it a trend to be born out of the wild # How did this generation of young people grow out of the wild?] Riding, skiing, rock climbing... these outdoor sports have become one of the important ways for young people to gain temporary relaxation and healing, setting off a wave of "born out of the wild". A car, a camera, a tent, a you, perfect, free life or outdoor experience, is becoming a popular lifestyle。

# Why is it a trend to live in the wild # Ride, drift, frisbee, ski, surf, camp accommodation, etc. in the primeval forest, enjoy the charm of sports paradise, who said that the retreat of the wild is incompatible with urban life. Maybe it's too long! The dull life needs more freshness. 

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After my first experience of camping, I fell in love uncontrollably. Only those who have experienced it can understand the sense of relaxation that is far away from the noise of the city and close contact with nature! All the annoyances were left behind, and I breathed the fresh air, which made me feel that the world was worth it!

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