Beautiful spring, outing and camping


Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and everything is revived. Looking around, the eyes are full of flourishing emerald green and colorful flowers. Smell a flower, see a piece of green grass, and go camping with relatives and friends in this hopeful season! Go for a spring outing!

                                                                     camping chair

The spring breeze is ten miles, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the mood is clear. On the beautiful mountain and sea trails, we ran in big strides and played small games of catching up with each other. We were happy, interesting, and energetic; sometimes we took short breaks, took beautiful photos, replenished energy, talked and laughed, and felt comfortable.

The beautiful scenery and delicious food are both worth living up to. After walking for nearly three hours, the happiness between the taste buds is indispensable. Everyone brought a camping table and camping chairs to the foot of the mountain for a small dinner gathering, talking and laughing happily, chatting and communicating, and enhancing relationships.

                                                               camping table

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